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Stephen’s VASA Story

Jun. 12, 2024 / VASA Admin
Steve's vasa story

Stephen received his M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin before completing his residency in Urology at the University of Utah. He began his personal training journey at VASA two years after an incident in which he broke his pelvis in multiple places and had multiple fractures in his left arm and wrist. Now pain-free, his goal is to maintain a high level of general fitness and regain control and strength in the areas affected by his past injuries.

In Stephen’s Words

My injury occurred in August 2020 when I fell from a second-story deck that was under construction. I fractured my left wrist in two places as well as my left radius in a couple of places. Worse, however, was a pelvic fracture I sustained, breaking my sacrum down the left side as well as the pubic rami. Surgery was required to fix the substantial injuries. Mobility was difficult for about six weeks, and I had to complete extensive hand therapy to avoid losing motion or dexterity. I also had to walk with a walker and then with a cane. I was motivated to return to work as soon as possible and was able to get back to performing surgeries in six to seven weeks.

Stephen with his Personal Trainer

I began going to VASA Fitness about a year after the injury. I wanted to build more strength and overcome some chronic back pain. My left upper extremity was considerably weak, and I had gained weight over the years, which contributed to my pain. I set a goal to drop 50 pounds and regularly met with a personal trainer and ran several times a week with my two boys. We set a goal that when I reached my target weight, we would buy a dirt bike to ride together. I achieved my goals and even after purchasing the dirt bike I still wanted to maintain my activity levels. I’m now able to keep up with my wife, an ultimate runner and super athlete, on hikes and adventures together. I’ve been grateful for the added core strength and stamina my training has provided. I find that my back pain and posture have improved. Best of all, I no longer feel as weak on my left side, and my pelvic pain has entirely resolved.




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