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Meet our #VAWESOME Coaches!

Sep. 13, 2017 / Bre B
fitness trainers

Here at VASA Fitness we have an amazing team of Fitness Coaches! They are here to help you with anything that you need in the gym! Here are a few trainers from our clubs that we’d like to highlight. Check them out, and see if they are a good fit for you.

Jamaica Schroedl


“My goal as a VASA trainer is to change your life! I strive to show my clients the importance of improving their health and fitness through fun and uplifting training sessions. I work to motivate individuals to get excited about their fitness journey and learn to love their body throughout the process.”

Tyler Solorzano

Tyler Solorzano fitness trainer

“My goal is to help my clients attain a healthy lifestyle through educated and proven methods that are sustainable and will last a lifetime.”

Kyle Fall

fitness trainer kyle fall

“My goal is to provide an effective way to exercise by developing a tailored program to guide any client to reach their respective fitness goal.”

Nesha Condie

nesha condie fitness trainer

“My goal is to help each and everyone of my clients learn to love fitness, to grow and to achieve their goals while having a great time!”