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How to Prep for Fall Sports

Gini Grimsley
Jul. 13, 2023 / VASA Admin
How to Prep for Fall Sports

The fall sports season is right around the corner! Whether you’re a part of the gridiron gang or love to hike amongst the changing leaves, keeping your body prepared for fall activities is a year-round endeavor. The best way to prepare for fall sports is to maintain a good level of fitness during the summer months. 

Cooler temperatures allow for endurance outdoor activities like hiking and running races. For this reason, many marathons, half marathons, and 5ks occur during this time of year, and scholastic sports like football, soccer, and volleyball are in season.  

Below is a list of exercise types to incorporate into your routine to help you get and stay in shape for the fall sports season. 



  • Mobility: Maintaining your range of motion is important for any season. Fall sports like football require both strength and flexibility. Similarly, running and hiking also require the same things, just to slightly different degrees. Good mobility can also help reduce injury when paired with strength training. One of the best ways to improve your mobility is to strength train through full ranges of motion. 
  • Strength: Most fall sports require lower body strength and endurance, so training the muscles of the legs to be both strong and fatigue-resistant should be a priority. Working both the squat and hinge patterns for strength is easy to incorporate into the early part of each workout. Finishing your workout with lunges for 10 or more reps is a great way to ensure they can carry your body weight (and maybe some extra weight like a backpack) easily. 
  • Cardiovascular training: Sports require diverse types of cardiovascular training, but the one thing they all have in common is the requirement for a large aerobic training base. Time spent in Zone 2 (60%-69% of you max heart rate) allows the body to develop more work capacity and assists in recovery between hard workouts. Spending time in Zone 2 in the summer will help improve your performance in the fall. 



Preparing for fall starts now! Between summer trips and pool days, be sure to continue your workout routine to maintain a base of mobility, strength, and cardiovascular capacity. The fastest way to injure yourself is to do an activity that your body isn’t ready for. If you need help establishing a gym routine or finding exercises that meet the demands of your sport, check out a STUDIO RED HIIT class or chat with one of VASA’s certified Personal Trainers to get a personalized plan to meet your goals