Why is it important to have a workout buddy? Having a community of support around you makes all the difference in your fitness journey! Whether you are working out together in the gym or virtual fitness buddies, having others support you in the gym helps you reach your goals and push beyond!
Motivation/Support – Everyone likes having someone in their corner. Someone who will be there to help you do one more rep or cheer you on during a max effort. That’s what a workout buddy is for – someone who will cheer on your successes and help encourage you to do your best and show up. It’s motivating knowing that someone will be there for you and with you! Whether you need a spot or just someone to cycle right next to you, a gym buddy can help!
Consistency – When you have someone you work out with or check-in with, it helps give you a routine. A workout buddy helps you stay on a consistent schedule and have someone to rely on. You know they will be there so you show up too!
Sharing Goals & Progress – Sharing your wins with someone helps you both stay encouraged! It’s motivating to see someone reach their goals and make progress. Plus, when you tell someone your goals, you have someone to remind you and encourage you to keep on working.
Trying Something New – You’re more likely to try something new out in the gym with a friend! Trying out a new workout or class can feel scary by yourself. But, when you’re with a friend, it can be exciting! Something new to try together! A workout buddy can motivate you to try new things out in the gym, whether it’s a new exercise, personal training, class, or program!
Fun – Having a workout buddy is just fun! It’s fun to work out with your friends/family. You get to sweat together and take on a challenge together.
Why do you love working out with a buddy? These are just a few of many reasons why having a workout buddy is important to your fitness journey! Know the friend you want to bring to the gym? Refer them and get a credit on your account! Check out how to refer a friend today by clicking here.
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