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Member Spotlight: Russ Hayward

Jan. 3, 2024 / VASA Admin
Member Spotlight: Russ Hayward

In the bustling fitness world, stories of incredible transformations often stand out as beacons of inspiration. The remarkable journey of Russ Hayward, a former flooring installer who turned his life around through a commitment to fitness and a supportive community at VASA, is one such example. From battling his unhealthy lifestyle to conquering mountains, Russ’s story is a testament to the power of determination, community, and a positive mindset.

Russ began his journey with a realization: he was overweight and unhappy. His former job as a flooring installer wasn’t fulfilling, and he decided he wanted to make a change. Russ started going to school at night and became a software engineer, moving from Connecticut to Colorado Springs for his new job.
Weighing 380 pounds and struggling with patella femoral syndrome, arthritis, and severe back pain—and motivated by achieving his goal of becoming a software engineer—Russ decided to take control of his health. Motivated by icons like David Goggins, Russ joined VASA Fitness, where he found a community that would become the cornerstone of his transformation.

“I met my personal trainer Craig, started lifting, started going to STUDIO RED, and became friends with a lot of people,” says Russ. “Everybody hypes you up, nobody judges. You just come in here, you have a fun time, and everybody pushes each other.”

STUDIO RED, lifting sessions with his Personal Trainer, and friendships with fellow members fueled his drive to accomplish more and more. Russ’s newfound confidence led him to hiking. At 310 pounds, he completed Pike’s Peak in 19 hours, a 13.5-mile hike with over 7,400 feet of elevation gain, and discovered a passion for hiking along the way.


Russ enjoying outdoor adventures after moving to Colorado.


He has since completed seven fourteeners (mountain peaks with elevations over 14,000 feet) and works out for an average of 40-50 hours a week between gym sessions at VASA and climbing.

“I feel a lot better now. It is a complete turnaround,” he states, reflecting on his physical and mental transformation. Russ notes that the mental toughness developed during his workouts at VASA has helped him accomplish so much more outside of the gym. “Job searching, climbing mountains, anything that requires a sort of mental strength, I get that from doing classes like STUDIO RED.”

His transformation and developed discipline became a necessity during one of Russ’s hikes in 2023. There had been an avalanche in an unexpected area that created an ice ridge, requiring the use of an ice axe to scale across. Faced with 10 feet of snow for 15 hours, he had to rely on the endurance, physical ability, and mental toughness he built at VASA as a lifeline. “Being able to come to VASA and do workouts during the day gave me the endurance I needed to keep pushing and stay motivated,” he explains.

The supportive community at VASA, the friendships he made there, and the inspiration from David Goggins drove Russ to the gym each day. The thought of being productive, meeting friends, and doing something good is enough for Russ to keep going and helped him to lose 120 pounds this past year.
Russ’s journey from a flooring installer in Connecticut to a mountain-climbing fitness enthusiast in Colorado Springs is a testament to the transformative power of community and determination. His story not only inspires but also highlights the crucial role that supportive gyms like VASA play in fostering personal growth and well-being. Russ’s story reminds us that with the right mindset and a supportive environment, anyone can achieve the extraordinary.


Russ completes his first 5k race.


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