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Family Workouts

Jul. 30, 2024 / VASA Admin
Family Workouts

Family workouts are a fantastic way to stay active together! Here are three different types of workouts you can do with your family.

Outdoor Adventure Workout

Getting outside and into nature is a great way to engage and energize the whole family. Hiking and cycling are easy activities for the entire family that don’t require much equipment. Many communities have paved or gravel trails and paths that keep everyone safe from traffic. If you’re feeling slightly more adventurous, you can build your own obstacle course in your backyard. Running, jumping, tumbling, and crawling are great ways to build strong bodies that are ready for other adventures outside of your backyard.

Fitness Circuits

Whether you and your family choose to work out in your living room or on the turf at VASA, circuit training is convenient and versatile for everyone. Exercises like jumping jacks, running in place, bodyweight movements, or even a dance party can be customized to meet the needs of each family member. Rotate through different stations and sweat together in an inclusive and enjoyable workout. You could even include a few yoga poses at the end to bring everyone’s heart rate back down to resting and help you all leave the workout feeling more centered and relaxed. Not sure where to start? Try this workout, no equipment needed!

Warm Up
Play Button
Arm Circles (30s each direction)
Play Button
Leg Swings (30s each leg)
Play Button
Alternating Bodyweight Split Squats Jumps (30s each side)
Play Button
Plank Hold (1 min)
Circuit Stations

1 minute per station with 30 seconds rest in between. Complete 2-3 circuits.

Play Button
Jumping Jacks
Play Button
Bodyweight Squats
Play Button
Push Ups
Play Button
High Knees
Play Button
Alternating Reverse Lunges
Play Button
Bear Crawls
Play Button
Dynamic Glute Bridges
Play Button


Cool Down
Play Button
Hip Flexor Stretch (30s per side)
Play Button
Door Frame Pec Stretch (30s per side)
Play Button
Supine Breathing (2 minutes, 3-4s inhale, 3-4s exhale)

Sports and Games

Playing a game or a sport is an excellent way to stay active while enjoying time with each other. Pickleball is one of the most popular sports right now and allows players of all ages and abilities to feel successful after just a few strokes of the paddle. Family soccer, basketball, or volleyball are team sports that encourage teamwork and coordination while games like tag or hide-and-seek involve skills like running and quick changes of direction.

Building a foundation of physical activity is an important component of a happy and healthy family unit. Engaging in outdoor activities, playing sports, or exercising together can be more enjoyable because they feel more like playing than a workout!


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