5 Tips to Prioritize Self Care

Aug. 19, 2024 / VASA Admin
5 Tips to Prioritize Self Care

September is Self–Care Awareness Month and the perfect opportunity to reprioritize our own wellbeing. Self-care is often neglected because we put others’ needs before our own. But don’t forget, it’s hard to fill another’s cup if our own vessel is empty.

Here are some tips to help you make time for yourself:

  • Book it. A scheduled appointment or recurring class holds you accountable, making you less likely to make excuses. Working out with a friend also encourages you to show up.
  • Stick with it. Confidence from knowing you are committed to your self-care is a natural mood-booster (and it sends you into the holidays with an advantage!). Give yourself grace if your schedule changes and you need to adjust – remember, a body in motion stays in motion!
  • Keep the energy going. Especially when busy or on the go, have healthy snacks on hand to keep your energy up throughout the day and between meals.  Check out these snack ideas!
  • Prioritize sleep. Ensure you get adequate sleep each night to feel rested and refreshed. Limit distractions at bedtime and consider deep breathing exercises to calm your mind and body after a long day.
  • Treat yourself. Acknowledge and celebrate small achievements to stay motivated. New workout gear, fresh sneakers, or even a new playlist are extra motivation to prioritize your well-being.


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