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Beating the Winter Blues

Feb. 10, 2015 / VASA Fitness
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January can be a hard month. The holidays are over, the weather is cold and gloomy, and it seems like winter might last forever. January is finally over, but winter is here to stay at least for a few more months. Some days it feels like there is no end in sight. Winter can be a challenge, but with a few easy steps we can beat the winter blues.

1. Find a Change of Scenery

Obviously taking a vacation is ideal but not always practical or possible. A quick drive up the canyon or dinner out in a neighboring city provides much needed relief.

2. Go Outside for Fresh Air

Finding fresh air is sometimes a challenge but a challenge that is very worth it. Fresh air renews the soul. Sunshine is a definite bonus.

3. Find a Hobby

Fill your time with things you enjoy and suddenly winter seems more manageable.

4. Spend Time with Friends and Family

Winter makes us want to bundle up and hibernate forever. Making plans, even if those plans are for a cozy night-in, gives us something to look forward to.

5. Hit the Gym

Exercise makes our bodies release endorphins. Endorphins make us happy. Being happy helps beat the winter blues. How do you survive winter?