Basketball Warm-Up
You’ll often see VASA’s basketball courts full of hoopers, dropping dimes and slamming it home. If you love shooting hoops and want to perform your best (and avoid injury), complete this warm up, which will prep your body for the demands of a pick-up basketball game.

Jog a few laps around the court to get your blood flowing throughout the entire body and warm your muscles.

Place your hands on the wall and swing one leg side to side, allowing the body to rotate around the planted leg.

Using a similar set up, but only using one hand for support, swing the inside leg forwards and back. You can come up onto the ball of the planted foot to make the movement more dynamic.

Stepping forward into a lunge, rotate the upper body and gaze out over the front leg. Step your feet back together as you stand up and repeat going the opposite way.

Stepping backwards into a lunge, reach your arms overhead to stretch the front of the body. Step your feet back together as you stand up and repeat on the opposite leg.

Lift your knees so they are level with your hip bones while jogging down the court. Don’t forget to use your arms to create speed and momentum.

Pull your heels to your butt while jogging down the court. Don’t forget to use your arms to stay balanced.

Step and slide sideways down the court, pushing off the back leg like you’re playing defense.
9. Form Shooting
After your body is warm, practice your shooting technique so you can knock down every shot you get in the game.
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