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5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Jan. 23, 2023 / VASA Admin
5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Do you have new goals and resolutions this year? Make it the year you achieve them! Follow these five simple steps to stay motivated and focused all year long so you can achieve your goals and keep the momentum going.



1. Find a workout you enjoy

There are so many ways to move your body. Have you always wanted to try yoga or are you curious about a cycling class? Try out different types of exercise to find the right one for you. The more you enjoy it, the more likely you’ll be to stick with it.


2. Set realistic goals and write them down

It’s best to set goals that are as specific as possible. Start with small, attainable goals that lead to a bigger one. Writing your goals down helps you visualize what you want to put into action, and it can be helpful to re-read your goals if you’re feeling unmotivated so you can celebrate the progress you’ve made!



3. Find a gym buddy

Having a support system while you’re working on making changes can be extremely beneficial. If someone is expecting you to meet them at the gym for a workout, you’ll be less likely to cancel. You might also be more likely to make it to that morning run or group yoga class when you know you’ll have friends there to catch up with!


4. Rest time

Rest days are just as important as your workout days. Your body and mind need time to recover, which will help you return to your workouts stronger and more motivated! Overdoing exercise can lead to mental and physical burnout, so it’s better to get yourself back to a centered place where you can get focused again on what you want to achieve.


5. Make a workout playlist with your favorite energizing songs

Working out to music has some amazing benefits. It has been shown to boost athletic performance, reduce fatigue, and it improves mood by increasing feel-good hormones like dopamine and decreasing stress hormones like cortisol. Plus, music makes everything more fun!



A new year, a better you!

Maintaining a high level of energy and focus while working towards fitness goals can be a challenge, but there are some things you can do to stay motivated. Follow the five tips above and make this your best year yet! Still looking for a cool, fun gym to belong to? Check out VASA’s premium amenities, awesome group classes, and supportive fitness community for free!