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3 P’s for Success

Jan. 2, 2018 / Haley McCoy
indoor running facility

What is it that instills success with exercise and nutrition for a healthy lifestyle? If you are diligent in these 3 P’s you are bound for success!

Preparation – Persistence – Patience

Preparation: If you have your meals prepared and clothes in your car ready for your workout, all you need to do is follow through with your plan. If you don’t have your meals prepped, you lose options for healthy eating at work and its easy to just go out to eat instead. Or if you wait and not eat till you get home, then you’ll be more likely to binge on food. If you forget your workout clothes (if you go to the gym after work) then you’ll have to go home which makes it more difficult to go back out for your workout or you’ll become distracted and end up not going to the gym. Be prepared and you’ll set yourself up for success!
Persistence: Eating healthy and exercising becomes a lifestyle which means it happens day in and day out. Even if you fall off the wagon! If you fall off, get back on and get back into it. You have to keep on keeping on if you want to see some results. You’ll go nowhere if you decide to give up. Have persistence and you’ll see success!
Patience: Obviously results don’t come right away. Turning your lifestyle into a healthy one is something that takes time. Days, weeks, months and years. Be patient through your journey and in yourself. Enjoy the journey. Remember the reason why you wanted to change in the first place! It is worth it. Have patience with yourself and you will see success!

-Lara Cobia

Lara has been in the Fitness and Wellness industry since 2007. She graduated from BYU in Exercise Science with an emphasis in Fitness and Wellness Management. She has had experience in training for race distances up to a marathon, Olympic triathlon, century bike rike, and a Figure Competition (division of Bodybuilding). She lives what she preaches and loves being able to share her knowledge with others. 

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