Did you know that fueling your body well before and after your workout can help you push beyond plateaus and help you reach your goals faster? The best way to fuel your workouts is to eat a well-balanced diet that contains veggies & starches for carbohydrates, lean meats, legumes & fish for protein and healthy fats like avocado and olive oils. This should be the largest source of nutrients for a healthy body. Eating at least 1 hour before your workout will ensure that your working muscles get the majority of your blood supply instead of your digestive system. We want our bodies to perform optimally in every gym session so avoiding fatty or heavy foods in this snack or meal will also help you feel energetic and light as you make your way into the gym. Eating a full meal following the workout has shown to increase muscle mass and fat loss but that can be hard to do on the go.
We all get busy and when you’re short on time, supplements are a great gap filler to make sure you can push hard in your workouts and recover quickly after. Having a plan to make sure your body is fueled appropriately will help you reach your goals faster and keep the gains going long after your gym session ends. Pre, Intra and Post workout supplements are a great way make the most out of your workout and you’re in luck because we have options for both in our Revive Store. We have many different brands, options and combinations to make sure you can find the best supplement for your needs.
Not sure where to begin? Below is some information to help you get started.
- Pre workout supplement and drinks contain ingredients like carbohydrates, caffeine, creatine, vasodilators (nitric oxide & beet juice) and beta alanine which can improve performance when taken 30 minutes before a workout.
- The most popular form of pre-workout supplement is a drink, but you can also find them in powders and bar form.
- These supplements can also help Improve focus, stamina, motivation and energy with and without stimulants such as caffeine to meet your needs.
- A good rule of thumb is to start with a smaller than recommended dose so the jitters or upset gut mess up your workout.
- We have a variety of pre-workout products and flavors including Total War, C4 On the Go and Amino Energy in our REVIVE store so check them out before your next workout.
- For longer workouts, drinking a mix of water, electrolytes and carbohydrates can help ward off fatigue, push harder for longer.
- Will also help with recovery since energy stores aren’t as depleted following the workout and the muscles can begin the repair process sooner.
- BCAA’s are also a good source of the building blocks of protein if you’re not able to get enough protein in throughout the day and may help in the recovery process as well when consumed during the workout.
- Early morning workouts when breakfast isn’t a good option.
- Try a Gatorade, Amino Energy with Electrolytes or Celsius Original for workouts lasting longer than 60 minutes (moderate to vigorous intensity).
- You have a 2-hour window of opportunity to capitalize on the benefits of your burn following a workout. A post workout supplement can enhance recovery, decrease muscle soreness, increase muscle mass, improve your immune function, and increase your body’s ability to burn fat.
- Creatine has been shown in recent studies to be even more effective as a post-workout supplement.
- Combining a protein supplement with a carbohydrate can improve muscle rebuilding and restore glycogen (energy) stores.
- Post-workout options also come as pre-made drinks, powders or bars & cookies with or without carbohydrate and in a variety of flavors.
- Check out Quest Protein Bars, Muscle Milk Pro Series and MET-Rx Protein Shake in our REVIVE Store after your workout!
We’re proud of our brand and hope you are too! Ever wonder where all that great VASA gear you see in the club comes from? You can find a collection of VASA Fitness clothing and accessories in REVIVE next to our coolers or online HERE.
Written by: Gini Grimsley, VASA Fitness’ Director of Fitness Product
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