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DietBet Challenge with VASA Fitness

Ene. 20, 2017 / Bre B
vasa fitness highlights

Want to lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks?!

Join our personal training team in losing weight while winning money! And just for participating in this challenge, be entered to win extra prizes from VASA! We are hosting a game for each of our 24 locations, and will be doing a drawing at the end for all those who enter, win or lose!

What is a DietBet Challenge?

DietBet is a program that allows you to bet on your own weight loss! Our games have an entry fee of $25 and if you lose your 4% in 4 weeks, you get your money back PLUS SOME! For more details on the DietBet program CLICK HERE.

How Do I Enter?

  1. Find your location’s (home gym) invite code, you can find them on our location specific Facebook pages, or talk to your personal trainer, they can help you with that. Don’t have a personal trainer? That’s okay, let’s get you one! Go HERE for a FREE assessment. You can enter without one, but you won’t be able to be entered for the extra VASA prizes without one, and you won’t have the help and guidance you could have! So try us out, you won’t be sorry!
  2. Follow the instructions given to you when you follow your link. You will be required to register and pay an entry fee of $25, BUT you will be able to win that back, PLUS some if you lose your 4%!
  3. Pay your entry fee and get ready to weigh in! Weigh in will be Jan. 28 – Jan 29. and your personal trainers will be more then happy to help you weigh in! (you can weigh in and join the bet after these dates, see DietBet rules for more details)
  4. Start your weight loss journey!


  • The best prize for completing your game is the weight that you will lose! It is always easy to kick the new year off right, but we want to help you push through and make your healthy lifestyle a habit.
  • If you complete the game and lose 4%, you will get your entry fee back plus some! The “pot” (everyone’s entry fees) gets divided (by DietBet), between all of the winners! But if everyone wins, you will not get any extra money back.  We really want everyone to win though, so we are going to be offering extra prizes from VASA!
  • If you enter and finish the game, win or lose, you will be entered to win $300 gift card, and other prizes ($100 gift cards, VASA water bottles, t-shirts, etc). We will do the drawings at the end of the DietBet! (To win these prizes, you must have a personal trainer helping you, and other restrictions apply, see below)


  • Must follow all the rules outlined by DietBet (CLICK HERE)
  • You must be 18 years or older
  • You have to have a VASA personal trainer to enter
  • Must complete the 4 week DietBet (win or lose)

Will a Personal Trainer Really Help?

YES! All of us need a little push and some guidance. Here are just a few before and after pictures of some of our #VAWESOME clients that have accomplished great things in the program:

What are you waiting for?

VASA is hosting this challenge to help get all of you through the fitness slump that always happens in February. We want to help all of you kick start your healthy lifestyle, and help you keep it going with our personal training program! So join us in losing weight, and developing a more healthy lifestyle! Do you have any questions about our challenge? Comment below or talk to your personal training staff!


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