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Halloween HIIT Workout

Sep. 30, 2018 / Precio de Julia
hiit classes

Halloween HIIT

  • 10 Superhero Side Plank Push-up (5 each side)
  • 30  Donkey Kicks (15 each side)
  • 12 Forward Frog Hops
  • 15 Mermaid ab leg raises
  • 20 Frankenstein Step-ups (bench)
  • 15 T-Rex Arm Tricep bench dip
  • 8 Tuck or Treat Tuck Jumps
  • 20 Princess Courtesy Lunges (10 each leg)
  • 10 Hulk Medicine ball Smashes (slams)
Complete all 9 exercises and rest for 1 minute and then, repeat 2-3 times based on your fitness level!

This workout hits all your muscles groups and is sure to get you in the Halloween spirit. Try to all month long to stay in the festive mood!

Love the workout? Use the hashtag #VASAlife on your post and we will repost our fav!