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Want To Gain More Knowledge At The Gym?

Ene. 13, 2017 / Bre B
vasa fitness highlights

Do you want to gain more knowledge about gym equipment, and how things work? Or learn how to work out specific muscles, new and safe ways to work out, and other related topics? If so, our personal training program is something that you really should try out!

Here is what a couple of our members have said about gaining knowledge and confidence in the gym through their personal trainers:



“Brooke is wonderful. She is very knowledgeable in nutrition, strength
training and cardio. Brooke has perfect balance between encouraging you
but also pushing you that extra step to get the best workout possible. Even
though she helps you get physically fit she also helps with your mental blocks
that are holding your fitness goals from being accomplished. Being newer to
working out at the gym, she was awesome at explaining what she expected
of me, why she was having me do it and how to properly use the equipment.
She has taught me proper body form so that I don’t injure myself. I think the
best thing she does is practices what she preaches. She shares her stories and
even will work out with you when you are struggling. Just a great example!” –
Kelsey R. (Trainer: Brooke Medina)


“Michelle has helped me get toned and in shape from head to toe. I have trained with her for over one year and she continues to teach me new exercises and techniques. I am currently pregnant and she has been able to modify my training so that my baby and I are both safe and healthy! Everyone should train with Michelle!” – Taylor C. (Trainer: Michelle Lodwick)


“Before I met Dustin, I was an overweight (205 lbs) depressed, lazy teenager with no vision of my future. I hated myself, I had no self-esteem, I was always complaining about life and I never did anything to fix it. I decided to get back in the gym and one of the managers approached me one day and recommended me to get a trainer. At first I was kind of unsure on getting one because I’ve heard a lot of bad stuff about trainer. So I decided to give it a shot and it was the best decision I made in my life. I went from a scared and unsure girl to a confident and strong woman. I accomplished things I never thought I’d be able to do. I love myself, I love my life, and most importantly, I believe in myself and have huge goals I’m working so hard for. Fitness has become my way of life and I never thought I’d get here.” -Mayra D. (Trainer: Dustin King)


Want to get a FREE personal training session from one of our #VAWESOME trainers? HAGA CLIC AQUÍ & we will get you set up with that!