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Leg Focused HIIT Workout

Ago. 3, 2018 / Julia Price
fitness classes near me

Workouts can be hard to plan and figure out what to focus on. Without a great plan, workouts can be unfocused, unproductive, and take centuries to complete. Here is a quick workout guaranteed to make you sweat, work hard, and not take up your whole day!


Leg Focused HIIT

Try each workout for 20 seconds and then rest for 40! For a challenge, take it up to 30 seconds on and 30 seconds rest.

  • Jump Squats
  • Reverse Lunge
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Air Squats
  • Jump Lunges
  • Step-ups

Repeat 3-4 times based on how you are feeling for around 20 minutes of a leg burner! For added difficultly increase the height of the step you use for step-ups.

For added intensity increase the height of the step you use for step-ups! You can do this workout pretty much anywhere! Plus, this leg-focused workout will help you improve your leg strength for all kinds of outdoor activities like biking, hiking, and more. Try this workout to get you in shape for that hiking trip as HIIT helps increase your cardiovascular ability, and it helps build leg strength for powering up those hills.

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